"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."
2 Corinthians 9:8
Welcome to our Resources page. The purpose of this page is to share with you information about movies, books, and other media that are edifying and helpful to our Christian walk. If the recommended item is underlined, it means that it contains a link to that item's publisher or author's website that you can click. Please note that Papuri Christian Fellowship is not responsible for the content of those sites.
New International Version 1984 (NIV) - The NIV has been around since the 70's, and it is the favorite among Evangelical Christians because of its readability and simplicity. It employs the Dynamic Equivalence (thought-for-thought) translation.
New American Standard Bible updated edition (NASB) - Originally produced in 1971, the NASB has been widely embraced and trusted as a literal English translation. Today, the updated NASB offers increased clarity and readability for greater understanding and smoother reading while maintaining accuracy. Published by the Lockman Foundation.
New Living Translation (NLT) - The NLT originally began as an update to the paraphrased version of the Living Bible. What came out instead is a fresh new translation that is very direct and easy to understand. It employs the Dynamic Equivalence (thought-for-thought) method of translation. The NLT is a relatively new translation. From Tyndale House Publishers. Published by Crossway.
English Standard Version (ESV) - The English Standard Version is an updated to the New Revised Standard Version.
New King James Version (NKVJ) - The New King James Version preserves the timeless beauty and majesty of the King James Version in modern English.
Word Of Promise Audio Bible (New King James Version) - This star-studded voice cast is sure to bring the Bible to life with moving sound effects and sound track. From Thomas Nelson.
New American Standard Bible updated edition (NASB) - Originally produced in 1971, the NASB has been widely embraced and trusted as a literal English translation. Today, the updated NASB offers increased clarity and readability for greater understanding and smoother reading while maintaining accuracy. Published by the Lockman Foundation.
New Living Translation (NLT) - The NLT originally began as an update to the paraphrased version of the Living Bible. What came out instead is a fresh new translation that is very direct and easy to understand. It employs the Dynamic Equivalence (thought-for-thought) method of translation. The NLT is a relatively new translation. From Tyndale House Publishers. Published by Crossway.
English Standard Version (ESV) - The English Standard Version is an updated to the New Revised Standard Version.
New King James Version (NKVJ) - The New King James Version preserves the timeless beauty and majesty of the King James Version in modern English.
Word Of Promise Audio Bible (New King James Version) - This star-studded voice cast is sure to bring the Bible to life with moving sound effects and sound track. From Thomas Nelson.
Christian Living
Foxe's Book of Martyrs - Every Christian should read this book. It chronicles the lives, sufferings, heroism and martyrdom of the early Christians. Published by Baker Books
My Utmost For His Highest - This book is a devotional written by Oswald Chambers which has become a great Christian Classic. It is also available online for free through RBC Ministries, publishers of Our Daily Bread.
Christian Apologetics - Written by renowned scholar Norman L. Geisler, this book is a must for all Christians to understand and uphold the validity of the historic Christian Faith. Published by Baker Books
Living By The Book, The Art And Science Of Reading The Bible - Written by father and son team Howard and William Hendrickson, this book is for serious Bible students (which every Christian should be) to get the most out of their Bible studies. This book also has an accompanying workbook. From Moody Publishers.
My Utmost For His Highest - This book is a devotional written by Oswald Chambers which has become a great Christian Classic. It is also available online for free through RBC Ministries, publishers of Our Daily Bread.
Christian Apologetics - Written by renowned scholar Norman L. Geisler, this book is a must for all Christians to understand and uphold the validity of the historic Christian Faith. Published by Baker Books
Living By The Book, The Art And Science Of Reading The Bible - Written by father and son team Howard and William Hendrickson, this book is for serious Bible students (which every Christian should be) to get the most out of their Bible studies. This book also has an accompanying workbook. From Moody Publishers.
Amazing Grace - An award winning film based on the life of antislavery pioneer William Wilberforce.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe - A movie version of the C.S. Lewis Classic produced by Disney Films.
Facing The Giants - A story about a high school football coach who draws up a new game plan for his team and himself. This is a very inspiring movie about faith.
Fireproof- Every married couple should watch this movie about love, marriage, and commitment based on Biblical principles . Starring Kirk Cameron.
The Gospel of John - This moving and powerful movie of the life of Jesus brings the Gospel of John to life. This movie is filmed in Israel. The narration and dialogue is taken word for word from the Good News Translation.
The Last Sin Eater - This movie is based on the book by Francine Rivers. It is a powerful movie about sin, forgiveness, and the atoning death of Jesus Christ. Directed by Michael Landon Jr.
One Night With The King - This is a movie based on the Biblical book of Esther. This film received the 2007 CAMIE awards. Starring Tiffany Dupont and Luke Goss.
Against All Odds Israel Survives - The complete 13-part cable TV series of supernatural stories of biblical proportion. The recurring theme: Does a divine power continue to uphold Israel?
God's Not Dead - As a Christian, are you able to give reason for the hope that lies in you? God's Not Dead encourages us to know what we believe and why we believe.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe - A movie version of the C.S. Lewis Classic produced by Disney Films.
Facing The Giants - A story about a high school football coach who draws up a new game plan for his team and himself. This is a very inspiring movie about faith.
Fireproof- Every married couple should watch this movie about love, marriage, and commitment based on Biblical principles . Starring Kirk Cameron.
The Gospel of John - This moving and powerful movie of the life of Jesus brings the Gospel of John to life. This movie is filmed in Israel. The narration and dialogue is taken word for word from the Good News Translation.
The Last Sin Eater - This movie is based on the book by Francine Rivers. It is a powerful movie about sin, forgiveness, and the atoning death of Jesus Christ. Directed by Michael Landon Jr.
One Night With The King - This is a movie based on the Biblical book of Esther. This film received the 2007 CAMIE awards. Starring Tiffany Dupont and Luke Goss.
Against All Odds Israel Survives - The complete 13-part cable TV series of supernatural stories of biblical proportion. The recurring theme: Does a divine power continue to uphold Israel?
God's Not Dead - As a Christian, are you able to give reason for the hope that lies in you? God's Not Dead encourages us to know what we believe and why we believe.
www.foursquare.org - The official website of the The Foursquare Church denominaton.
www.arewelivinginthelastdays.com - Be informed in what is happening in the world as it relates to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
www.answersingenesis.org - The website of Answers in Genesis, a non-profit organization of Ken Hamm's creationist ministry which seeks to educate people on scientific evidences refuting evolution and supporting the Biblical creation account.
www.biblegateway.com - A free online website where you can search and read the bible in many different versions and translations. They also have a reading plan that you can choose from (Old/New Testament, Chronological, Historical, 90 day reading plan, etc.).
www.christiananswers.net - An advertisement-free website that can help answer any questions about the Christian faith. They also provide reviews on secular movies, games, and television.
www.persecution.com - The official website of The Voice of the Martyrs. Founded by Richard Wurmbrand, The Voice of the Martyrs is a non-profit, inter-denominational organization dedicated to assisting the persecuted church worldwide.
www.arewelivinginthelastdays.com - Be informed in what is happening in the world as it relates to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
www.answersingenesis.org - The website of Answers in Genesis, a non-profit organization of Ken Hamm's creationist ministry which seeks to educate people on scientific evidences refuting evolution and supporting the Biblical creation account.
www.biblegateway.com - A free online website where you can search and read the bible in many different versions and translations. They also have a reading plan that you can choose from (Old/New Testament, Chronological, Historical, 90 day reading plan, etc.).
www.christiananswers.net - An advertisement-free website that can help answer any questions about the Christian faith. They also provide reviews on secular movies, games, and television.
www.persecution.com - The official website of The Voice of the Martyrs. Founded by Richard Wurmbrand, The Voice of the Martyrs is a non-profit, inter-denominational organization dedicated to assisting the persecuted church worldwide.